


Become a Globally Recognised Coach with the 4-in-1 NLP Certification
Do You Want To Find Your Purpose, 
Make More Money & change lives?

4-in-1 Certifications

Soul Map

Business Tools
(Clients, $ and Freedom)


The #1 Coach in the World

Milly Jones

Meet Milly, the #1 global coach and your head trainer hailing from Tasmania, Australia. With 32 certifications and 7 years of combining spiritual wisdom and the best Western coaching tools, Milly has achieved powerful results. In just five years, she went from never coaching before to becoming the top-ranked coach worldwide, impacting 4,000+ lives and building multiple 6-figure business.

Milly's inspiring journey includes overcoming addiction, abuse, ADHD, and dyslexia. Her transformative coaching tools have not only changed her life, but also her clients'. Join Milly as she shares the best Eastern and Western coaching techniques in four comprehensive certifications, empowering you to make a lasting impact and transform lives.

Discover the tools that took Milly from zero to a multiple six-figure coaching business in just 12 months, earning her the title of #1 coach on the planet.

These tools changed my life and thousands of others!

Let me teach you how to do the same...

⚠️ BUT WAIT...

This is NOT your 'Typical' Certification...

Most training certification programs are flawed...

❌ 'Typical' Certifications

  • Boring
  • Old School
  • ​Don't show you how to actually get clients once certified
  • ​You can't wait to finish and get qualified
  • ​They aren't in the field actually working with people (or haven't been for a long time!)
  • ​People that do all different types of jobs (you don't resonate!)

✅ Our Certifications

  • Fun & Energetic
  • ​Community of likeminded people  all purpose-driven!
  • ​Work soul gifts to maximise your results
  • ​Provide training on how to get clients (that has made over $24 million for our coaches!)
  • Trainer who's in the industry working with clients right now
  • Young and youthful energy!

What Are You Going To Get?

8-Day Training To Get Fully Qualified & All The Tools You Need

All certifications are authorised and recognised globally by the American Board of Nuero-Lingustic Programming.


Become a fully qualified coach with these 4 globally recognised qualifications

(valued at $13,996)
  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner (valued at $4,999) learn more
  • ​Hypnotherapy Practitioner (valued at $2,999) learn more
  • ​Timeline Therapy Practitioner (valued at $2,999) learn more
*All Certifications Globally Recognised and Accredited by the NLP Board of America

The plug and play templates, to use with your clients to get the best results

(valued at $1,570)
  • 134 Tools and Scripts (valued at $997) step-by-step printable resources and templates to keep and start using with your clients right away
  • How to Run a Coaching Session (valued at $199) step-by-step process
  • ​How to Onboard a New Client (valued at $297) step-by-step process and resources
  • ​How to Guarantee Your Clients Result (valued at $77) step-by-step PDF

Get insight from the best, most accurate ancient birth charts in the world to find out your strengths, weaknesses and the biggest things you were born with to express into the world. Find out what type of coaching will be most aligned for you

(valued at $599)
  • Birth Chart Information to get clear on the best type of coach you'd be
  • ​Clarity on your Souls Strengths and Weaknesses
  • ​Clarity on the right path for you in your life

Breakthrough blocks and beliefs that have been holding you back & manifest more money

(valued at $1,999)
  • Limiting Belief Removal Session w/ Group to remove blocks stopping you
  • Money & Pricing Belief Rewires to call in more money and charge more
  • ​Money Manifestation Pack 13 tools to fast track your money manifestation
  • ​Emotional Release Session Removing Anger & Sadness

Meet new friends, and get support and experience to fast track your results

  • Be part of a likemind community over the 8 days in the Private Group
  • Get Coaching Experience practice the coaching tools with other aspiring coaches to get experience
  • ​Get a Partner for 30-days After the Training to Practice with Quickly gain experience using NLP tools in partner practice

The tools, resources and trainings clear on your ideal client, and ACTUALLY get clients!

Tools generated $24 Million for coaches!

(valued at $7,081)

Create Your Expert Image

  • How to name your coaching business (valued at $47)
  • ​15-minute Logo & Branding Creation(valued at $47)
  • ​Website Template & Training (valued at $297) get set up in 25 mins!
  • ​Webinar Funnel Template & Training (valued at $297) get set in 20 mins!
  • ​Sales Process Funnel Template & Training (valued at $497) get set in 30 mins!
  • ​Lead Magnet / Ebook Funnel Template (valued at $197)
  • Photoshoot list of what every coach needs for their website pdf(valued at $47)

SALES: Getting Clients To Pay You

  • ​4-step plug-and-play sales process (that's made over $18 million for coaches) (valued at $997)
  • ​30-min Sales Script (that's made over $18 million for coaches) (valued at $197)
  • ​How to sell $2k + coaching programs Powerpoint Template (valued at $997)
  • ​How to get testimonials PDF (valued at $47)
  • ​How to sell authentically (without feeling yuck) (valued at $197)

CLARITY: Define Your Ideal Clients & Niche

  • How to find your perfect market/niche training & templates  (valued at $297)
  • ​How to get clear on your unfair advantage as a coach, to start attracting perfect clients (valued at $297)
  • ​How to find your ideal client / avatar training & templates (valued at $297)

MARKETING: Attracting Clients

  • ​How to share your story and attract soul mate customers training (valued at $197)
  • ​How to run a successful workshop that gets you clients training (valued at $297)
  • ​How to build alliances that get you clients in the next 30 days (valued at $497)
  • Facebook Scheduling Planner (valued at $47)
  • Instagram Scheduling Planner (valued at $47)
  • Insider Facebook Post Secrets (valued at $47)
  • How to create social media content, that makes clients want to work with you training (valued at $197)
  • ​How to set up and create successful Facebook & Instagram Ads (valued at $997)

Clients Results From These Tools & Resources

Come and learn my secrets

and get the tools to have rapid success like this


Who are Lucy & Milly?

Master Coach, Master Trainer, Master Speaker, BBus

Milly's inspiring journey of overcoming addiction and personal struggles showcases the power of transformative tools she has mastered. Lucy, a business expert with a degree and 12 years in the coaching industry, has generated over $24 million in revenue working with top coaches.

In 2018, they joined forces, blending their knowledge and experience. They trained in coaching tools and expertly merged soul gifts, spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom for optimal results and a unique, holistic approach.

Their methodology has impacted over 4,000 people, leading to a successful coaching company with multiple six-figures in its first year and global recognition as the #1 health and wellness coach.

As the certification trainer, Milly equips women to become successful coaches, creating 6 & 7 figure businesses. They're dedicated to helping new coaches generate income immediately, with Lucy's invaluable expertise guiding them to success.

Their approach empowers you to transform lives personally and professionally, using the same techniques that helped them overcome their challenges.

"We're on a mission to help awaken the planet to their highest potential"

📅 NLP Training DATES

This 8-day online Zoom experience 
requires full attendance for certification

Attend from anywhere in the world!

Fri 11th Aug- Sat 18th Aug

 8:00am - 4:00pm (every day) AEST

 Payment Options

8-day, 4-in-1 NLP Certification Online Zoom Experience 

Friday 11th Aug - Sat, 18th Aug 2023

4-In-1 NLP Certification + Soul Blueprint + Business Resource Bundle 

 (Valued at $25,245!)

WAS: $10,999 Now ONLY $7,999+gst!

Book now to secure your spot!




 BONUS if you Pay in Full Now

Want your money back before you even start training? 

 BONUS TRAINING: How to have a waiting list full of client, before you certify (valued at $997)

 BONUS TOOLS: Facebook and Instagram Post Templates to Plug and Play to get a waiting list of clients now (valued at $299)

Pricing is $AUD


Starts at $59 p/week

Total: $8,999 +GST

Book in a call with us now, to discuss the payment plans and secure your spot

Pricing is $AUD

Still Unsure? Let's check your Soul Blueprint...

Book in a call and let's check your birthchart to see if this is a good fit.

Got more questions? Not sure if this is for you? 
Book in a call with the team now and they'll take a sneak peak at your birth chart, and see if this is a good fit for you and your future, based on what you are destined for.


Where obsessed with making you happy (and more successful!)

So if you're not happy, we're not happy!

If at any time prior to the end of the training you become dissatisfied with the program simply inform your instructor and we will refund your entire enrolment fee.


What Will You Learn?

A breakdown of what you'll learn in each certificate

All certifications are authorised and recognised globally by the American Board of Nuero-Lingustic Programming.

NLP Practitioner Certification

(Neuro-Linguistic Programming) it is the process and tools of helping people organise their thinking, feelings and language so they can be incredibly successful in every area of your life. The brain is like a computer, and NLP allows you to move the wires around in your brain to change the patterns, so you can get your result with the least amount of effort.

The Benefits for You & Your Clients

  • Get Understand of what NLP is, and how it works
  • ​Learn how to find the limiting beliefs holding you and your clients back, and learn how to remove them
  • ​Learn how to gain mastery of your mind and mindset
  • ​Take control of your mind, emotions and behaviours (so you're actually doing the stuff that will get you results) and show your clients how to too!
  • ​Understand about how you best learn, express yourself and adapt to the world around you

Some of the Topics Covered:

  • Rapport - Learn how to build strong connections with your clients right from the start, creating mutual liking and agreement
  • ​Representational Systems - Understand how people use their senses to process information, so you can communicate with them in a way that resonates with their unique learning style
  • Sub-Modalities - Discover the hidden programming of the mind that affects our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Gain the ability to modify this programming to help your clients achieve their desired outcomes
  • Language Patterns - Master the art of using language to demonstrate your own intellectual attributes and personal characteristics, as well as to influence and inspire others
  • ​Anchoring - Learn how you and your clients can take control of their emotional states automatically, so they can manage their feelings and perform at their best
  • ​Strategies - Develop the skills to guide your clients towards specific goals by controlling their thought processes and behaviors
  • ​Parts Integration - Help your clients resolve inner conflicts and achieve greater harmony and balance in their lives by learning how to direct and stop conflicting inner voices

Time Line Therapy©

What is Time Line?

(this is one of my core secrets to get accelerated results for my clients) 🤫

Time Line Therapy® is an advanced form of NLP which allows people to let go of negative emotions, like Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt & Guilt. It also allows people to get rid of limiting decisions like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t have what I want”. It also gives you a specific program for creating a future you want.

Technology has changed, a phone from the 90s is not the same as a phone now. Technology has progressed at such a speed, we’re doing things faster and easier, so instead of having a long time to wallow in a negative emotion we can clear it faster with Time Line Therapy® and NLP.

The Benefits for You & Your Clients

  • Gain TOTAL Control of your life
  • ​Move through your and others internal blocks
  • ​Remove negative emotions
  • ​Clear limiting beliefs and decisions
  • ​Rewire your subconscious mind to start attracting what you want
  • ​Make the right decisions with full clarity
  • ​Discover what really matters for the client and yourself
  • ​Get motivated and stay motivated

What Timeline Allows You To Do

  • Create the kind of future you really want
  • ​Go back to the past and rewrite stories that are keeping you or your clients stuck from moving forward
  • ​#1 tool to make your goals come true
  • ​Learn how to visualise your future so it's more compelling, motivating and exciting for you

NLP Coaching Certification

What's the Difference Between NLP Coaching vs. Life Coaching?

Life coaching can only take clients so far in achieving their goals, as it mainly focuses on identifying roadblocks to success. These roadblocks, however, are often deeply rooted in a client's unconscious mind and emotions, and can't be addressed by standard life coaching skills alone. That's where NLP Coaching comes in - it provides a process for identifying these blockages and helping clients release negative emotions that hold them back. With a wide range of tools available, NLP Coaching can help clients remove barriers and achieve their goals with ease, providing clarity and access to their internal resources.

The Benefits of Being a NLP Coach

  • You know how to coach a client, and do sessions with them 
  • ​You can guarantee your clients results
  • ​You know how to use all the tools for the other 3 certifications, and when to use them
  • ​Get paid more on average than just a 'life coach'. Life coach makes on average when they graduate $75. A NLP Coach makes on average $350 when they graduate.
  • ​You'll get experience with the other coaches throughout the training to practice on in 1-on-1 settings, and also be partnered up after the training to practice your skills (and also remove your own blocks and get your goals way quicker)

The NLP Coaches Toolbox

  • NLP – Understand how to achieve behavioral excellence through powerful communication and self-leadership strategies
  • ​Hypnosis – Access the unconscious mind to remove limitations and install empowering suggestions that will help your clients to achieve success
  • ​Time Line Therapy® – Use active imagination to rapidly remove limiting beliefs and major negative emotions that hold clients back from optimal physical and emotional health and peak performance, and assist them to create a compelling future.
  • ​NLP Coaching – Help your clients get from where they are at, to where they want to be, by helping them eliminate their barriers to success and create a clear path to achieve all of their goals.

The powerful combination of these four certifications and the training you receive will give you the ability to guarantee success for your clients.

Hypnotherapy Certification

What is Hypnosis?

We have two minds - Conscious and Unconscious. Changing beliefs consciously takes time, and work, but hypnosis works with both minds to make it easier. Your Unconscious Mind controls your body, and hypnosis taps into its power to make positive changes. Hypnosis is a credible and scientific way to create change at the unconscious level to get accelerated results.

The Benefits for You & Your Clients

  • Create rewires and recordings to put in your membership, to help clients rewire their mind without you
  • ​Reprogram yours and your clients subconscious mind to attract things on autoplot
  • ​Change Your Life and Assist Others to Change Theirs Quicker
  • ​Create Effective Suggestions to Use In Hypnosis to get results
  • ​Create Powerful Motivation for Change
  • ​Stop Overeating
  • ​Stop Smoking
  • ​Eliminate Stress
  • ​Eliminate Pain
  • ​Use Hypnosis Legally and Ethically to Create Change

Some of the Topics Covered

  • Learn how to use interviewing techniques for your sessions to figure out the best suggestions for positive results.
  • ​Learn from practice (not from video)
  • ​Suggestibility Testing
  • ​​Inductions (how to get someone into trance)
  • ​Deepening Techniques
  • ​Post Hypnotic Suggestions

Hypnotherapy Certification is back by the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH)

Ready to upgrade your life, make more money and start changing lives?


Possible Side Effects of Doing The 4-In-1 NLP Certification

You can expect to see this in your life

  • Your friends will brag to others that they know you.
  • You will prove critics and haters wrong; many will become your clients or friends.
  • You may make an ex-partner jealous.
  • ​You will make your parents proud.
  • ​If they ever doubted or criticised you, you will prove your parents wrong.
  • ​If you are in an intimate relationship, you will become increasingly attractive to your partner.
  • ​They will feel safer and more secure with you than ever before
  • ​If you have children, you will change their lives forever through being an example.
  • ​You'll have the power to change people's lives forever, including your own, your clients and their families.
  • ​If you are not in a relationship, you will become very attractive to high-value potential partners.
  • ​You will earn respect from your peers.
  • ​Clients will ask for a picture (and people on the street might too).
  • ​You'll be able to work from anywhere you want, whether it's a beach in Bali or a cabin in the woods/forest.
  • ​You may tap into unexplainable psychic and intuitive gifts (some might even start calling you magic).
  • ​Strangers on the street may think you're someone special.
  • ​You may realize you have special powers within you, like Neo from the Matrix
  • ​You may feel prouder of yourself than ever before.
  • ​You may walk into a room and everyone will look at you in awe because your light is so bright.
  • ​Have a waitlist of clients before you even have your certs.
  • ​People will be jealous of how much you have your sh*t together.
  • ​People will see how valuable you are, and they'll ask you to come speak at their events or workplace.

 Oh NO! You've Hit the End!

This Is Your Last Chance to Find Your Purpose, 
Make More Money & Change Lives!

And get this incredible deal worth at 80% OFF!


If you're still on the fence, book a call and 
let's read your soul blueprint and see if this is a good fit for you

The highest level of praise and you’ll ever receive is from changing someones life for the better. These are your certification to do that.

© Queens That Bridge T/A Lucy & Milly 2023 - All rights reserved.